2019 Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference: Success Stories and New Challenges
Wed, 05/12/2018 – 01:35


The European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee hosted the 2019 European Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference on March 6 and 7 in Brussels.This conference build on the success of the 2018 event, which was titled Delivering on the Circular Economy – What’s next? and followed the same format with two days in a row.

All recordings and available presentations from Day 1 and reports from Day 2 workshops are now accessible in the table below.

A taste in images and sound? Here you go:
Day 1

Day 2

Day 1
6 March On Day 1, hosted by the Europan Commission, policy-makers and business leaders explored the action plan as a successful framework for the transition, while discussing what policies could allow Europe to capitalise on the current global momentum. It also widened the discussion to consider the circular economy as an enabler to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.
Recordings Presentations
Welcome addresses

All Day 1 photos and welcome speeches viewable separately here.

Keynote speech by First Vice-President Timmermans

Circular Economy Action Plan – A Solid Foundation for our Present and Future (starts at 00:47:00)

Plenary session on CEAP implementation

Towards Circular Industrial Value Creation Networks (starts at 02:28:00)

A Restorative Circular Economy: how to Protect our Natural Capital

Natural Capital and a Circular economy 

Wijnand Broer (CREM)

Circular Economy & Natural Capital 

iCare & Consult

Linking Biodiversity and Natural Capital to CE 

Mark Van Oorschot (PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency)

A Fair Circular Economy: How to Inform, Empower and Protect Citizens

Circular Culture – connecting the dots 

Paolo Falcioni (Applia)

Nicoletta Fascetti Leon (Ministry for the Environment, Italy)

Prof. dr. B. Keirsbilck (KU Leuven)

Global Leaders in a Circular Economy (starts at 05:00:00)

Parallel session on ‘Global Leaders in circular economy’.
Investing into the Circular Transition

Circular Economy financing

Jonas Bystrom (EIB)

What is industry doing to achieve a circular plastics economy?

All 70 pledges submitted by the Circular Plastics Alliance will be available on the ECESP website shortly. In the meantime, the European Commission has published a report on these pledges as part of the 2019 Circular Economy package.


The circular economy: an enabler to Achieve the 2030 Agenda (starts at 07:25:00)
European Commission VP Jyrki Katainen closing remarks
Day 2
7 March Hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee, Day 2 was prepared jointly with the Coordination Group members of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform. This day featured eight different participatory workshops, whose purpose was to share successes and identify new challenges. Market lounges, networking tables, a cultural program and showcases of circular use of materials also provided further opportunities for networking to participants.
Co-creating on ‘Creative Innovation for a Circular Economy’
A lively Networking village
Reports and Recordings Presentations
Video: Opening and Workshops JDE 62
ECESP chair Ladeja Godina Kosir
opening Day 2

Mapping Circular Stragies in Europe

Sli.do results

The EESC study mapping CE strategies in Europe will be published on the ECESP website in May 2019, while work has also begun on “Developing synergies across different circular economy roadmaps”.

Towards a Model of Circular Economy for Italy 

Laura Cutaia (ENEA)

The French Circular Economy Roadmap 

Sylvain Chevassus (Ministry for the Ecological and Solidary Transition, France)

Roadmap for developing a Strategy on the Circular Economy in Romania 2030 

Dr Elena-Simina Lakatos (IRCEM)

Circular Economy Strategies and Roadmaps in Europe

Giacomo Salvatore, Frank Holstein (Spatial Foresight)

Consumer Insights for the Circular Economy


Welcome to the workshop!
Social Dimension of the Circular Economy



Impacts of circular economy activities on the labour market

Phil Sumerton (Cambridge Econometrics)

Impact of Circular Economy on labour: qualitative indications

Laurent Zibell (IndustriAll)

A longer lifetime for products, benefits for consumers and companies

Carlos Montalvo (TNO)

Circular Cities and Climate Change Mitigation

Circular Cities for Climate Mitigation

Harald Friedl (Circle Economy)

Circular Cities and Climate Mitigation

Dorthe Nielsen (Eurocities)

The Economics and Governance of Circular Economy in Cities

Oriana Romano (OECD)

Circular Public Procurement

Introduction to Circular Public Procurement

Philippe MIcheaux Naudet (ACR+)

The EU GPP criteria and circular procurement – a relevant tool?

Jean-Pierre Schweitzer (EEB)

Case studies on CPP in ICT & Furniture

Claire Guerin (Zero Waste Scotland)

Green Deals for Circular Public Procurement

Joan Prummel (Rijkswaterstaat)

Teresa Jorge, (CCRDC)

Marline Weber (INEC)

Veerle Labeeuw (Circular Flanders)

Tools for Measuring the Circular Transition

Circularity Gap

Tamara Veldboer (Circle Economy)

Circularity Check

Arthur ten Wolde (Ecopreneur)

Towards a CE monitor for Flanders

Luc Alaerts (Circular Flanders)

Creative Innovation for a Circular Economy

Circular Fashion: a force for good

Douwe Jan Joustra (C&A foundation)

Circular Design Guide

Maja Johannessen (Ellen MacArthur Foundation)

8 challenges on creative innovation in the Circular Economy

Bio-Circular Villages for Rural Development

Multi-enterprise network for sustainable food and energy production

Markus Eerola (Knehtilä farm)

Circular integrated approaches for viable rural areas

Tajana Radic (Croatian Chamber of Agriculture)

Challenges and opportunities for bio-circular business

Meri Siljama (Confederation of European Forest Owners)

Video: Workshops JDE 61  
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