Clusters meet regions: Boosting talent as a key driver for a future sustainable competitiveness
Carlos Trias Pinto
Wed, 12/07/2022 – 08:34

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, in collaboration with the Agència per a la Competitivitat del’Empresa (ACCIÓ) and the European Commission, will jointly organise the Clusters meet Regions workshop in Catalonia. The event will take place on 14 and 15 December in Barcelona, Spain, followed by the celebration of the 30th anniversary of cluster policy in Catalonia on 16th December.

Among the themes of the event, food stands out, as the agri-food industry is one the main engines of the Catalan economy: the sustainable transition in this domain includes challenges along its complex value chain, like the digitalization of agriculture, food production according to circular economy criteria, or the reduction of the impact of food packaging and natural resource optimization.

Registration is now open.

Please find the latest version of the agenda here.


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