Financing local circular economy initiatives: an event for financiers and project developers
Johanna Reiland
Thu, 30/03/2023 – 08:32

High upfront investment costs are a recurring challenge for many circular economy initiatives. The two Horizon Europe projects Deciso and Hoop address this issue by providing project development assistance, including the development of financing solutions and business plans for local circular economy initiatives with the ultimate aim of leveraging further public and private investment. 

The Brussels event on 10 May 2023 will serve as a platform to exchange advice and share best practices on financing circular economy initiatives, as well as to foster cooperation between financiers and project developers. 

From high-level keynotes to individual matchmaking opportunities between investors and project developers, this event has been developed with and for public authorities, private investors and innovative solution providers and project developers to answer pressing questions such as:

  • What funding opportunities exist for circular economy initiatives?
  • How can public authorities attract innovative solutions to solve their local challenges?
  • How can we engage private investors to bridge the huge public funding gap?

With the aim of creating a diverse overview of pilots addressing different thematic areas and challenges faced by cities and regions, the afternoon session provides an opportunity for project developers to pitch their ideas.

This will be followed by a matchmaking and networking session to bring projects and investors together – an opportunity for companies to get feedback and for investors to meet innovative players in the circular economy ecosystem.

Register here.


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