New pilot project: Circular Rural Regions
Thu, 21/03/2024 – 08:26

The circular economy has become a key part of the sustainable transformation of regions. The German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building is leading the new Territorial Agenda pilot project. This scheme supports the development and implementation of strategic circular economy concepts in rural areas in Germany and Europe.

The pilot project is now establishing a partnership, and a call for funding for four German regions is ongoing. European regions and organisations are invited to declare their interest in joining the partnership. The four-year project will run until 2027 with annual in-person partner meetings.

The pilot project invites regions in rural areas active in the field of the circular economy and committed to joining the partnership to get in touch. The size of the regions may vary but should be smaller than state, province or equivalent level. Regional development stakeholders, including public authorities, regional associations and regional economic development agencies, are asked to participate.

National bodies will be invited to join in addition to regional ones. At European level, several European Commission directorates-general will be invited.

Save the date: A kick-off conference will take place on 26 September 2024 in Berlin.

Picture copyright: AscentXmedia


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