Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment – a webinar by CircularB
Camila Cervantes
Wed, 10/04/2024 – 13:26

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding organisation for research and innovation networks. It has various Actions which will help link up research initiatives across Europe and beyond and enable researchers and innovators to grow their ideas in any science and technology field by sharing them with their peers.

One of these Actions, CircularB – Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment, aims to develop a common international framework for a circularity rating tool. It will be based on both Key Performance Indicators using best practices in the area of circular construction and the European Circular Economy Action Plan.

Over six virtual interactive sessions, CircularB will explore how academia, international organisations, public authorities and businesses can support the implementation of the circular economy in the built environment and contribute to broader sustainable development goals by raising awareness and educating the public. It aims to foster a circular economy knowledge forum for stakeholders from different COST regions.

This first webinar, organised by CircularB and hosted by Build UP, will delve into the common circularity framework being developed by CircularB. This framework will support decision making by all value chain stakeholders and appraise the implementation level of the CEAP in buildings. The stakeholder group Academia and Research will present their results and research activities promoting circularity in the built environment.

An innovative and award-winning approach to making use of earthquake waste will be presented, along with a guidance tool on circularity and sustainability. This tool is intended to help non-expert actors in the construction value chain to implement, evaluate and prioritise circularity and sustainability practices and solutions related to the prevention, management and recovery of demolition and construction waste.

This webinar will take place on 18 April at 13:30 – 14:45 CET. Registration


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