Shaping sustainable innovation in the Mediterranean: Ensuring an inclusive and constructive dialogue
Maria Calderó …
Mon, 15/04/2024 – 14:14

This event is organised by the Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission of the Interreg Euro-MED Programme, which works to boost a fair transition to a circular economy.

18 June:

Celebrate the launch of the Interreg Euro-MED Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission Community of Practice. The Community of Practice aims to help people connect, share, learn and collaborate through community-building exercises and thematic group discussions. The event will present a common result amplification approach and bring together the 14 thematic projects focusing on blue and green circular economies.

After this, participants are encouraged to join the European Week of Waste Reduction (EWWR) Awards ceremony at MUCEM and network further over dinner.

19 June:

The first MED Innovation Day on the vision of a desirable sustainable Mediterranean. Participants will be guided through a discussion to imagine a shared future and define actions to work towards that goal. The session will foster cooperation by bringing together local and regional authorities, researchers, entrepreneurs, SMEs and civil society actors to catalyse innovative sustainable practices in the Mediterranean region.

The MED Innovation Day will wrap up with a panel discussion on how to scale up innovative solutions to achieve zero waste in the Mediterranean. The interactive session will focus mainly on the role of innovation in the region in tackling waste challenges, bringing up key topics like

  • empowering local communities to carry out meaningful and inclusive measures,
  • the role of research in informing and stimulating innovation,
  • balancing zero-waste targets with socio-economic priorities in policy making, and
  • the role of the private sector in driving forward sustainable innovation.

The activities on both days will be organised in parallel with the EWWR 2023 Awards ceremony, the ACR+ 30th General Assembly, and the LIFE IP SMART WASTE Project closing seminar. See the parallel programme.

Agenda and registration


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