Discussion panel at Hannover Messe: A sustainable Europe powered by sustainable batteries
Fri, 19/04/2024 – 06:52

The European Commission will be hosting a discussion panel on A sustainable Europe powered by sustainable batteries at the Hannover Messe industry trade fair on 23 April at 16:15-17:15 CEST.

Batteries are poised to play an important role in the twin transition to a digital and sustainable economy. Therefore, having a robust, home-grown batteries industry is going to be crucial to keep many industrial sectors in the EU competitive, notably transport and energy storage.

The new Batteries Regulation should ensure that batteries placed on the market in the EU, whether they are produced domestically or overseas, are sustainable, durable and safe to use and recycle.

The panel will bring together:

  • Julia Altenhofer, Director of EU Public Policy, Northvolt
  • Claude Chanson, General Manager, RECHARGE
  • Mattia Pellegrini, Head of Unit for From Waste to Resources, DG Environment, European Commission

Participants can follow the panel on line, or join the event in person at the Hannover Messe trade fair, Hall 12, Stand D05.


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