Discussion panel at Hannover Messe: The future of the textile industry: Competitive, sustainable and circular
Fri, 19/04/2024 – 07:08

The European Commission will be hosting a discussion panel on The future of the textile industry: Competitive, sustainable and circular at the Hannover Messe industry trade fair on 25 April at 15:15-16:15 CEST.

The EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles will transform the textiles sector in Europe. As part of the European Green Deal, this strategy will deliver environmental benefits and boost the competitiveness and resilience of the textiles ecosystem in Europe. It introduces new and revised legislation leading to ecodesign requirements on textile products, extended producer responsibility, new waste shipment rules, the digital product passport, and a revision of textile labelling rules.

From 1 January 2025, municipalities will also have to collect textile waste separately, which will boost this waste stream. These proposals will promote more durable, repairable and recyclable textiles by circular design, increase reuse and recycling, and encourage circular business models and sustainable consumption. But how will the EU fashion and textiles markets, and in particular SMEs, deal with this? What opportunities and obstacles need to be overcome to move from regulation to reality?

Speakers on the panel include:

  • Valerie Boiten, Senior Policy Officer, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation
  • Michale Laermann, Ecopreneur.eu – European Sustainable Business Federation
  • Dirk Vantyghem, Director-General at EURATEX 
  • Marlene Bartes, Policy officer, DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission.

The panel will be moderated by William Neale, Adviser on Circular Economy, DG ENV, European Commission.

Participants can follow the panel online, or join the event in person at the Hannover Messe trade fair, Hall 12, Stand D05.


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