Product-as-a-Service: Environmental impact, financing & link with the EU CSRD
Gurvan Guennec
Fri, 26/04/2024 – 09:07

This webinar on 16 May from 10:30 to 12:00 CEST is an occasion to deep dive into the link between the reduction of the environmental impact and Product-as-a-service (PaaS) models. Three organisations will share their experience in leading the change:

  • BASE, a Swiss not-for-profit foundation and a specialised partner of the United Nations Environment Programme
  • ETAP Lightning International, a family-owned SME that is for more than 70 years internationally active in the professional lighting market. It offers Circular Light as a Service for general and emergency lighting applications in office and industrial buildings, healthcare and education facilities and indoor sport venues
  • CHG Meridian, operating in 30 countries as a specialist in technology solutions and asset finance for IT, healthcare and industrial equipment.

Thanks to their contribution, participants will be able to understand:

  • how the PaaS model can help companies reach their business & environmental objectives
  • what challenges & levers companies can activate through these innovative business models
  • what the connection is between PaaS models and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

During this webinar, participants will have the opportunity to interact with the people who actually operate these models towards sustainability. 

Registration is available here. Don’t forget to follow the PACCT for sustainability page for the latest updates on news, events, and innovations. Here is their contact for more information.


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