SWITCH to Circular Economy in East and Southern Africa
Thu, 30/05/2024 – 14:21

The European Commission has announced a EUR 40 million investment in the SWITCH to Circular Economy in East and Southern Africa (SWITCH-2-CE in ESA) programme.

This programme aims to advance circularity in Eastern and Southern African countries as they shift from a linear to a circular economy. It will do so by creating an enabling environment for investment in circular business models and improving access to the necessary skills and finance.

SWITCH-2-CE in ESA was announced by Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen. The European Commission will contribute EUR 40 million over five years to this programme. It will focus on capacity building, policy support and improved access to finance, and will initially focus on two value chains: Packaging & Plastic Waste; and Electronics & E-Waste.

Lead countries include Rwanda, South Africa and Kenya.

Following a South-South Twinning approach, the programme will cover:

  • Policy, regulatory and business enabling environment
  • Capacity building and human development
  • Access to finance through a matching grant facility for start-ups and SMEs. This facility can also be tapped to invest in joint ventures between African and European companies.

The European Commission is launching this programme in collaboration with the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa. It will start later this year.


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