BUILD UP webinar series: Investors, Developers, and Insurance Providers
Camila Cervantes
Thu, 06/06/2024 – 12:47

BUILD UP, the European portal for energy efficiency and renewable energy in buildings, is hosting the third in a series of six webinars organised with the CircularB COST Action project. This one is on Investors, Developers and Insurance Providers.

It will explore successful projects and the challenges they face while implementing circular principles in the construction sector.

  • The first presentation will address the challenges and opportunities in developing sustainable and circular projects, with a focus on delivering cost-effective, sustainable and circular homes. Francisco Rocha Antunes, the CEO of MOME, will discuss their efforts to promote, design and construct new residential areas, mixed-use buildings and urban renewal initiatives. He will talk about the legal, technical and market barriers to adopting more circular solutions in building development in Portugal.
  • The second presentation will look at the positive impacts of sustainable practices in construction and real estate development
  • The final presentation will focus on the significance of establishing insurance coverage for secondary construction materials to level the playing field between new and reclaimed materials

The webinar will take place on 18 June at 11:00-12:15 CEST. Full programme and registration.


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