Circular Cities webinars? Catch up with this treasure trove from the Circular Cities Declaration
Fri, 14/06/2024 – 18:59

The Circular Cities Declaration is designed to help accelerate the transition from a linear to a circular economy in Europe, and thereby create a resource-efficient, low-carbon and socially responsible society. 

The Declaration aims to:

  • give local and regional governments across Europe a forum to communicate their commitment to support the circular transition 
  • provide a shared vision of just what a “circular city” is
  • draw attention to the critical role that local and regional governments need to play in making this transition happen
  • establish a community of committed organisations where people can share experiences, challenges and successes.

The Circular Cities Declaration is managed by ICLEI Europe. They have produced a series of eight webinars on inspiring examples of circular economy practices, models and strategies in signatory Circular Cities.

The webinars cover the following topics:

  1. Introducing the Declaration and sharing inspiring examples
  2. Local circular economy strategies & circular food systems
  3. Citizen engagement and behavioural change for circular cities
  4. Urban metabolism as a tool for planning and decision making in circular cities
  5. Monitoring and indicators for circular cities
  6. A circular economy for textiles in cities
  7. Circular business models and the role of local authorities
  8. Leveraging public procurement to accelerate the transition to a circular economy – tools and mechanisms to mainstream the approach

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