Distance selling: Navigating Extended Producer Responsibility in Finland
Tiina Vermaete
Fri, 05/07/2024 – 07:11

Anyone wanting to sell products online to Finland has to comply with the legal framework on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).

EPR means taking responsibility for the end-of-life of products and managing the waste they generate. Products included under this framework in Finland are packaging, electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators, single-use plastic products, fishing gear containing plastic, vehicles, paper and paper products and tyres. In the future, EPR will also apply to textiles and shoes, pharmaceutical products and cosmetics.

The webinar on Distance selling: Navigating Extended Producer Responsibility in Finland is being organised by the Finnish Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Authority and the Finnish Commerce Federation. Participants will be given practical advice on how to manage EPR in Finland

It will be particularly relevant to foreign distance sellers and compliance consultants, but authorities, producer organisations and other interested parties are also encouraged to join.

The webinar will take place on 10 September at 14:30-15:45 EEST. Registration.


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