#ECESP weekly highlights
Fri, 05/07/2024 – 12:59

New submissions on ECESP:

This week, we’ve published items on:

Apply now for free project development assistance from CircularInvest – CircularInvest can help you get your project ready!

CircularB survey on circular economy in buildings: challenges and barriers – tell CircularB about any barriers to implementing circular practices in the built environment you’ve come across.

Save the Date: Circular Week 21-27 October 2024 – get ready for this international series of events and initiatives, including the European Sustainability Congress.

Green circular economy at the Mediterranean level including green skills and jobs – this Union for the Mediterranean report takes stock of the green circular economy in this region.

Net zero game changer – Tackling the hidden carbon footprint in European retail and wholesale value chains – Eurocommerce has produced a report on the carbon footprint of the retail and wholesale sector in Europe and its value chains around the world.

Policy Toolkit on Municipal Waste Management: A Guide for Decision-Makers in the Mediterranean – policy recommendations drawn from the Med4Waste project on how to improve governance in the sustainable use of resources and management of waste.

Distance selling: Navigating Extended Producer Responsibility in Finland – selling to Finland? You’ll need to factor in EPR!

Join the LIFE Call: Shape the future governance system of the ECESP Coordination Group!– the European Commission has issued a call for proposals under the LIFE Programme for the Environment and Climate Action: don’t miss the info session on 8 July.

ECESP Coordination Group Work Plan 2024-2025 – see what our Coordination Group intends to do over the next year.

Thank you, and keep your submissions coming in!


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