The role of data in the circular economy: focus on Product-as-a-Service
Gurvan Guennec
Thu, 08/08/2024 – 14:10

PACCT for Sustainability (Product-as-a-service (PaaS) to Accelerate Cooperation and Circular Transformation) aims to bring together a European community focused on the Product-as-a-Service model. This will involve redefining market standards as part of a global transformation guided by the imperatives of ecological transition.

It will host a webinar on The role of data in circular economy: focus on Product-as-a-Service, exploring the importance of digitalisation in implementing a PaaS model.

Participants will be able to interact with representatives of Grenoble INP, Decathlon and Zuora, who will share their experiences of operating PaaS models.


  • Boris DESCOMBES, Researcher – PhD candidate at ​Grenoble INP 
  • Yann CARRE, Leader circular business model B2B at Decathlon 
  • Stéphane DIERICK, Client Manager at Zuora


  • Why digitalise to operate a PaaS model?
  • What are the keys to success, with a focus on customer experience, steering and capabilities?
  • What are the challenges in this field? 

During this webinar, you’ll have the opportunity to: 

  • Learn from professionals who support the development of companies’ PaaS models, and find out about challenges, difficulties and successes;
  • Interact with the people who actually operate these models, and with the senior researchers constantly improving our understanding of these challenges.

The webinar will take place on 12 September from 10:30 to 12:00 CEST.


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