CEWEP Residues Conference ‘Ash to Resource’
Tue, 03/09/2024 – 06:28

The Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants (CEWEP) will be holding its international conference on residues from waste-to-energy Ash to Resource on 25 September in Mechelen, Belgium

  • The general session will provide an overview of the historical and future trends of management of residues from waste-to-energy and the current challenges facing ash treatment.
  • The next session will explore the implementation of residues treatment and utilisation across EU countries.
  • The third session will focus on fly ashes and flue gas cleaning residues.
  • The last session will consider the role that treatment and utilisation of residues from waste-to-energy can play in terms of climate and environmental contributions by avoidance of landfilling and avoided emissions of CO2 by utilising the materials recovered from the ashes.

There will be ample opportunity for networking during the breaks and the buffet on the evening of 25 September. On 26 September, participants can visit Indaver’s ash treatment facility.

Registrations for this conference are now open. Tickets for students, academia, press and government officials are free.

Programme and registration.


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