Workshop on Plastics, Rubber and Recycling
Mon, 09/09/2024 – 12:40

ETRA, the European Tyre Recycling Association, and AIMPLAS, the Plastics Technology Centre, are organising an international workshop exploring rubber recycling, polymer technology and EU-funded projects.

It will address various challenges in the elastomeric materials sector by providing a dynamic platform for sharing knowledge and exploring opportunities.

The first day will be an opportunity for face-to-face pitch sessions between each participant and experts to discuss the participant’s project idea. The maximum capacity is 30; there is a template on the workshop webpage for downloading your pitch.

The second day will focus on presentations by experts from AIMPLAS and ETRA. There will be sessions on:

  • Market analysis: challenges, opportunities and limits in the recycled rubber industry,
  • Optimising rubber recycling: knowledge, activities, services and projects,
  • EU-funded projects: logic, calls, key issues and strategies.

This paid event on 1-2 October is in-person only, taking place in Valencia. It will be in English and is designed to ensure strong interaction between organisers and participants.

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