Technological factors

Technologies will and are playing an important role for cities and the inhabitants on fighting against the climate change and to become more “greener”. 

Several technologies have already been developed which are exactly invented for this purpose. Two technologies stand out in particular for this purpose:

  • ITS (Intelligent Transport System): Even though the roads are slowly filled with electrical cars, the technology can be involved more into the traffic system. ITS is a system developed specifically for the transportation system. With the help of data about the cityscape, traffic can be better organized. This system connects people with the system and helps so to inform people about the parking situation or where there are traffic jams. Through this information, the person can plan accordingly and not drive around planlessly. It also offers the possibility to adjust traffic lights. If, for example, an emergency service vehicle or a police car must drive through, it will be modified accordingly. All these possibilities help the city and the inhabitants to reduce their CO2 emissions. Furthermore, through this system, information can be exchanged between vehicle and the road. The only requirement is that both are intelligent vehicle and intelligent road systems. 
  • Building Information Modelling (BIM): The new planning of cities and projects including the city is made with a virtual 3D model. It offers the builder more insight into the planning and construction of the city. It provides already existing information. Moreover, it has the particularity that everything is recorded and available to everyone. Everybody involved has the possibility to see what decision have been made and can work on. This is simple for every worker or builder, who couldn’t participate in the last meeting.
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