More information

Papers / books

M. Randelhoff, „zukunft-mobiliteat,“ 28 Dezember 2017. [Online]. 
D. B. Hendricks, „,“ 2015. [Online]. 
Urban land use planning as an enabler of economic growth: 2020; Collier, P., Glaeser, E., Venables, A., Manwaring, P.; IGC Cities that Work Policy Framing Paper.
Land use planning: Sep 2017; Graciela Metternicht; UN; working paper

Projects / networks

Interreg Europe

  • CityZen _ Enhancing scalable innovations and new business models based on urban farming ecosystem values (Interreg Europe: Aug 2019 – Jul 2023)

“CityZen responds to the growing number of cities and regions that recognize the benefits of urban farming for living sustainably and improving revenues. It aims to promote urban farming as a successful driving force for economic and social transformation by introducing the concept to policy makers. Various regional policies on green innovation and resource efficiency, like food security, waste management, community development and adaptation to climate change, are to be improved by integrating urban farming models and practices.”

  • PERFECT _ Planning for Environment and Resource eFficiency in European Cities and Towns (Interreg Europe: Jan 2017 – Dec 2021)

“PERFECT integrates the many benefits of green infrastructure into the planning and investment for the future of urban and rural areas. It seeks to influence the policy-making process by raising awareness of the social, environmental and economic potential of green infrastructure.”

  • RENATUR _ Improving regional policies to better protect natural heritage of peri-urban open spaces (Interreg Europe: Aug 2019 – Jul 2023)

“The aim of RENATUR project is to draw attention to the importance of peri-urban open spaces and their natural heritage in order to preserve it. For this purpose, model regions were selected, which have a great interest in the promotion and protection of the natural heritage of the peri-urban open spaces in planning practice.”

  • UL2L _ UrbanLinks 2 Landscape (Interreg Europe: Jun 2018 – May 2022)

“Open spaces, ranging from natural heritage to derelict sites and from the urban core to the fringe and into the landscapes, are of increasing value for European municipalities. Not only because they are constantly reduced by land use (for business, infrastructures, housing etc.), but also because remaining open spaces must serve new requests and functions. These include ecosystem services, such as mitigation of local effects of climate change, and new public demands for urban farming and outdoor healthcare services.”

Other Interreg programmes

  • LUMAT _ Implementation of Sustainable Land Use in Integrated Environmental Management of Functional Urban Areas (Interreg Central Europe: May 2016 – Jul 2019)

“The main aim of the project was to respond and contribute to solving urban land management problems visible in growing negative phenomena such as urban sprawl, soil sealing, still existing brownfields and climate change threats, as a consequence of all above-mentioned problems.”


  • Health&Greenspace _ Greener cities, healthier communities (URBACT: 2019 – ongoing)

“How can we improve urban greenspaces in order to promote mental and phsyical health for our communities? Health&Greenspace Action Planning Network links green infrastructure design and management to urban health policies and practices. The project focuses on physical and mental health benefits of urban greenspaces, as well as their role in improving social health and air quality and reducing heat stress in cities. Actions targeted by the network are linked to both physical changes to the urban environment and the promotion of social activities such as community, cultural, education and physical activity programs in green areas.”

“This Action Planning network aims to deepen the relationship between health and the urban environment, planning actions that focus on improving the population’s health, while developing a rigorous health impact assessment around it. Urban Planning can become a health generator on many grounds. This partnership reflects the multiplicity of possible approaches to tackle the issue: green areas, mobility, social cohesion or promotion of sports are some examples.”

  • LUMASEC _ Land Use Management for Sustainable European Cities (URBACT: 2008 – Dec 2010)

“The URBACT project LUMASEC researched and supported cities’ urban development in order to learn more about practical ways to do sustainable land use management. Managing urban sprawl, unlocking the potential of brownfield sites and creating competitive, attractive environments where communities can flourish is the shared aim behind this European project. As a network of private and public sector decision makers, LUMASEC develops strategies for sustainable land use management.”“The LUMASEC Handbook presents the results … focussing on urban sprawl and urban brownfields, as one of the most important topics to address, to ensure competitiveness, attractiveness and sustainability of our European city-regions. It focuses on both the strategic level (planning methods, observation tools) and the operational level (action plans, case-studies), and aims at producing methods and practical recommendations.”

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