Legal and political factors (only European level)

The European union declared on of their goals of the green deal is to create more clean water and a restoration of biotopes, to increase a more health life for all. [4]

One of these strategies is the biodiversity plan for 2030, which has the overall goal to protect nature, but also reverse the damage which is already done to the ecosystem. To achieve this goal, EU-wide protect areas on land and sea are established and the already existing 2000 have to be protect at all costs. This has the goal to stop further freshwater pollution. This restoration plan wants to achieve, to firstly prevent natural disaster but also improve water and soil health. [1]

Another strategy is the zero-pollution action plan which aims for a reduction of pollution levels in air, water, and soil to the year 2050.  One of the targets set by the EU is to improve water quality. This should be achieved by reducing bigger waste like plastic litter by 50% and smaller waste like microplastics by 30%.

The next strategy is the chemical strategy, the chemical strategy aims to protect citizens and the environment by banning harmful chemicals and boosting the innovation and production of safe alternatives. These actions aim to counter water degradation, but laws alone won’t help, a new social understanding about water has to be establish. [2]

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