The Taxonomy and Sustainable Finance: What does it mean for the Buildings & Infrastructure sector?
Johannes Moser
Wed, 12/07/2022 – 08:13

What does “sustainable” mean? With the EU Taxonomy a common classification system for sustainable economic activity was put in place to find a common language and clear definition of sustainability.

Still, stakeholders and market participants perceive a lack of awareness and clarity regarding the Taxonomy. Awareness for Taxonomy requirements is still quite low among market participants and stakeholders. Nonetheless, they wish to gain a deeper understanding of the Taxonomy, as it is perceived as quite challenging.

For example, regarding the Circular Economy Taxonomy criteria, stakeholders have emphasised the lack of specifications, definitions and a general sense of unclarity over aspects in all the criteria. Many SMEs are keen on better understanding the concrete impact which the Taxonomy has for the Buildings & Infrastructure sector.

Furthermore, since demonstrating compliance requires collecting data and information, data accessibility is an important factor which is still lacking. Gaps with regards to DNSH (do no significant harm) data are especially prevalent. These gaps in knowledge, data, and also tools hinder the application of the Taxonomy.

This EU Circular Talk takes place on 16 January 2023 at 10:00 – 12:00 CET. Registration is now open!

Draft programme

Moderator: Christine Lemaitre

  • Welcome and Context
    • Christine Lemaitre, German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB)
    • EESC member
  • Panel disussion
    What is taxonomy? What is its purpose? How to tackle gaps (information, tools, data)

  • Panel discussion
    What does taxonomy mean for the building and infrastructure sector?

  • Conclusion & the way forward
    • Christine Lemaitre, DGNB

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