Upcycling to the Consumer: a hybrid seminar by Foodvalley NL
Wed, 12/21/2022 – 19:00

Upcycling sidestreams of agricultural and food manufacturing products towards food is one of the most impactful technological and supply chain solutions to safeguard sufficient and responsibly produced food for a growing world population. There are already many technological innovations in place and being developed to valorise sidestreams towards upcycled food ingredients and products.

However, one of the main challenges is to create new circular value chains and to bring the products to the consumer.

  • What are the consumer’s perceptions and expectations on upcycled food?
  • What are the interesting geographical differences in the market for upcycled food?
  • How can a private standard for upcycled food help bring those products to the market?
  • How can circular food ingredients and products become part of the responsible procurement policies of B2C companies?

During a hybrid seminar organised by Foodvalley NL on 14 February 2023, these questions will be tackled and the potential impact of circular food concepts by creating an optimal outreach to the market and the consumer will be explored with the help of experts of the Upcycled Food Association (UFA) and Innova Market Insights, and several partners of the Upcycling Community.

It will be possible to join the seminar live on location (to be announced) or online. For partners of the Upcycling Community there will be no costs involved.


Since 2004 Foodvalley NL has been developing and strengthening an international ecosystem of organizations that work together to realize the transition to a sustainable food system.

More information about the Upcycling Community of Foodvalley NL


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