The future of plastics is now!
Mara Bubberman
Thu, 26/01/2023 – 09:42

Join the House of the Dutch Provinces (HNP) on 9 February 2023 (16:00 – 17:30 CET) in Brussels for the Plastic Panel Discussion. Together with the panelists, the HNP will discuss the future of plastics and use the afternoon of 9 February to provide input on the latest EU proposals and the HNP Position Paper.

The programme will consist of the following:

16:00 – 16:10 | Opening & Key notes

  • Opening by moderator
  • Opening words by Dutch Regional Minister Northern Netherlands Tjisse Stelpstra – Regional Minister dedicated for Circular Economy at the House of the Dutch Provinces

16:10 – 16:45 | Panel 1: Regional perspectives on plastic proposals

  • Towards a Circular EuropeWerner Bosmans, representative of the European Commission (DG ENV)
  • The European Parliament and Circular EconomyJan Huitema, Member of the European Parliament (VVD, Renew) – tbc
  • The Netherlands and Circular Economy in EuropeRob Cornelissen of The Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and Water management
  • Regions and Circular EconomyTjisse Stelpstra, Regional Minister Northern Netherlands, Province of Drenthe & Rapporteur on Circular Economy Action Plan at the Committee of the Regions

16:45 – 17:00 | Q&A, exchange of views with panelists

17:00 – 17:20 | Panel 2: Plastics in practice – chemical industry

  • Jeannette Baljeu, Regional Minister Zuid-Holland & Rapporteur on Industry at the Committee of the Regions
  • Monika Banka, Policy and Network Coordinator at the European Chemical Regions Network (ECRN)
  • Daniela Sani, Sustainable Innovation Office of ART-ER (Regional Agency for technological development) Emilia Romagna Region
  • Plastics Europe – tbc

17:25 – 17:30 | Conclusion by moderator

17:30 – 18:30 | Networking drinks

The registration will be open until 3 February 2023. Maximum capacity of 80 participants.


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50.843463069501, 4.37559445

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