Circular Economy Primer: Promoting and Facilitating Change in Your City
Susana Arellano
Wed, 17/01/2024 – 04:21

In the past 3 years, collaborations, investments, and knowledge sharing have multiplied on themes related to the circular economy (CE). Networks, knowledge-sharing hubs, and training tools are bringing to light CE innovations and best practices in fields such as waste and water management, land-use planning, transportation, infrastructure and buildings, agriculture, and food systems.

Cities and regions that are part of the International Urban and Regional Cooperation (IURC) Program North America network are well-placed to contribute to this global transformation to improve circularity by promoting and facilitating change in sectors, services, and governance. As the closest level of governance to citizens and sources of innovation, they can be pioneers in the path towards a circular economy by demonstrating new business models and implementing socio-economic initiatives that will influence the local and regional economy and the health of ecosystems, including climate-oriented solutions.

Through participation in the IURC NA networks, cities will have opportunities to further advance knowledge and skills on CE, share experiences, and adapt innovations to make CE more widespread and mainstream.

The webinar will introduce key organisations and resources at the regional and national levels, as well as host a first discussion amongst participants on experiences, interests, and challenges for cities and regions to enable a transformation to a circular economy.

Date: 24 January 2024 at 16:00 – 17:00 CET 



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