InvestCEC webinar: Breaking down financial barriers in the circular economy
Merel Leithaus
Fri, 19/04/2024 – 08:53

InvestCEC and the DECISO project are both part of the EU’s Circular Cities and Regions Initiative. They are hosting a webinar series: the first session on 11 April covered Empowering entrepreneurs for investment success. This is the second in the series, and will tackle Breaking down financial barriers in the circular economy.

It will set the stage by exploring financial barriers within the circular economy and strategies to overcome them. Following this, you will delve into DECISO’s four ongoing pilot projects, seeing how each addresses financial challenges within their unique contexts.

Agenda highlights

  • Overcoming financial barriers in the circular economy, by Jorge Calvo Presa, CARTIF
  • Hamburg: Strategic framework for financial schemes, by Sabine Herrmann, representing the City of Hamburg
  • North-West Germany: Optimise rainwater use, by Daniel Gerdes, OOWV – Water Association of Oldenburg-Ostfriesland
  • West Macedonia: Decarbonisation and post-lignite transition, by Kostas Karamarkos, Municipal District Heating Enterprise of the Wider Area of Amyntaio (DETEPA)
  • Alentejo: Circular agri-food business models, by Rosa Onofre, Alentejo Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDRA).

The session will wrap up with a discussion between speakers and attendees, offering a chance for Q&A.

The webinar will take place via Teams link at 11:00–12:30 CEST on 30 April. There is no charge for the webinar but you will need to register. More information will follow once you have registered.


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