HOOP Project Webinar: Evaluating and improving circular bioeconomy in cities and regions
Piero Valmassoi
Thu, 25/04/2024 – 12:58

How well is your city performing in the implementation of circular bioeconomy measures? In this webinar titled Evaluating and improving circular bioeconomy in cities and regions on 21 May 2024 (10:00 – 11:00 CEST), HOOP partners will present tools to help cities and regions better understand their progress and identify areas to improve.


  • Marine Viale, Bax & Company
  • Hans Langeveld, Biomass Research

The EU Bioeconomy Strategy sees cities becoming major circular bioeconomy hubs, where biowaste is a feedstock for safe and sustainable bio-based products. But until now very few cities and regions have developed circular bio-based economy strategies or projects for the production of innovative bio-based products.

The HOOP project aims to drive innovation in the sector by assisting 8 cities and regions, so-called Lighthouses, in the implementation of novel circular processes. By helping the Lighthouses address legal, financial, and technical barriers, HOOP will unlock significant investments in state-of-the-art biowaste and wastewater valorisation technologies. In this webinar series experts from the HOOP project will share learnings and good practices to help make urban circular bioeconomy projects a reality.


The HOOP project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°101000836.


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