The benefits of public buyers’ collaboration – BRINC training session for public authorities
Wed, 08/05/2024 – 09:46

Public procurement is increasingly seen and used by public buyers to drive green, resilient and inclusive development.

However, these buyers often struggle to implement effective circular and innovative procurement strategies. This is due to a number of challenges, such as legal barriers and the fact that the market is not prepared to cater to the buyers’ needs.

Cooperation between regions and municipalities is therefore crucial for strengthening knowledge sharing during the procurement process. Joining forces can help amplify market reach, achieve fair purchasing conditions and secure high-quality services and goods in line with the buyers’ needs.

Through examples from across Europe, this workshop will show how and when it is most useful to work together to find successful purchasing solutions, and how that can be done.

This workshop is being held in conjunction with the EU-funded project BRINC (Brokering cross-border innovation through clusters project) and is the fifth in a series of training sessions on public procurement for public authorities. BRINC brings public authorities looking for circular solutions together with companies. It is co-funded by the EU COSME programme (Competitiveness of SMEs).

The webinar will take place on 13 June at 10:30-12:00 CEST.



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