The Circular Economy Donut (“Donut de l’Economie circulaire”)
Tue, 21/05/2024 – 09:50

This conference is an opportunity to meet the public authorities and companies involved in the circular economy in the French Drôme Ardèche region.

The main session will explore the topic of the Donut and living well: a circular and cross-cutting approach for tomorrow’s economy, with Fiona Ottaviani, associate professor at Grenoble Management School.
There will be a round table discussion on the regional donut in Valence Romans.

There will also be five workshops:

  • How to identify the region’s materials and energy flows to roll out a local circular economy policy? 
  • Recycling plastic in Drôme
  • The food loop, from field to plate: regional food projects 
  • The tools available to public authorities to push ahead with the circular economy in renovation/refurbishment of buildings and new builds

After lunch, there will be three site visits:

•   the Méthaveore site in Étoile-sur-Rhône 
•   the Fab unit in Eurre   
•   agrivoltaics and the Techniques Alternatives et Bio (TAB) platform in Étoile-sur-Rhône 

The conference will take place in French on 5 June at 09:00 CEST at Les Clévos, Cité des Savoirs, 390 Route de Marmans 26800 Étoile-sur-Rhône. It is intended for regional professionals, specifically local authorities, businesses, social housing associations, joint agricultural groups (GAEC) and social and solidarity economy stakeholders.


Registration (by 28 May!)


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