Big Points for Sustainable Consumption and Circular Lifestyles
Carolina Innella
Fri, 24/05/2024 – 10:25

For vibrant, more circular city centres 

From Niche to Centre (City Centres as Places of Circular Lifestyles) is an Interreg Central Europe project. It aims to revitalise fading city centres by making local trade and consumption more circular and sustainable.

The nine partners, led by the German Development Agency, have a clear remit: to transform central places in cities in order to make it easy for the people living there to adopt sustainable lifestyles while also (re)animating those city centres in a more circular way. They will inform municipalities, regions, providers of alternative consumption, citizen associations and policy makers about ways to educate and inspire people.

The project is now starting a series of capacity-building webinars. It will be a chance to learn practical tips (Don’t eat strawberries in winter, mix your own deodorant cream, or use eco-detergent) and to get to grips with the science behind impactful choices for a greener lifestyle.

The webinar on 30 May will explore Big Points for Sustainable Consumption and Circular Lifestyles. It will identify measures that are particularly important for effective environmental and climate protection.

It will be facilitated by Zuzana Špuntová: she works as a consultant and project manager at the international startup CYRKL and specialises in transforming waste into resources using valorization technologies such as composting facilities, biogas stations, wastewater treatment plants, biodegradation processes, and sludge management.

The speaker will be Dr Laura Spengler: she is an environmental expert and head of the Sustainable Consumer Structures department at the German Environment Agency, where she deals with various aspects of sustainable consumption, indicators of sustainable consumption, eco-friendly product design, sustainable nutrition and environmental innovations.

The webinar will take place on 30 May at 10:00 -11:00 CEST. Registration.

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