CircularB survey on circular economy in buildings: challenges and barriers
Wed, 03/07/2024 – 07:30

Have you ever faced a barrier to implementing circular economy practices in the built environment? CircularB would like to hear from you!

CircularB is part of European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), a funding organisation which sets up research networks called COST Actions. These networks offer an open space for collaboration among scientists across Europe (and beyond) and thereby drive research and innovation. Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment (CircularB) was set up on 27 October 2022 and will run until 26 October 2026.

CircularB aims to develop a common international framework for a circularity rating tool with Key Performance Indicators. These indicators will be based on current best practices of circular economy construction, state-of-the-art and the European Circular Economy Action Plan. It also wants to establish a stakeholder platform for interdisciplinary dialogue among key players, including academia, industry, suppliers, governmental bodies and local authorities, construction professionals and the general public. 

They have therefore launched an international survey to gather fresh insights into the technological, economic, cultural-societal, and regulatory barriers to circular economy implementation in the construction industry.  

Do complete the survey: it’ll take less than 10 minutes!


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