Sara Dorato
Thu, 18/07/2024 – 08:55
CircEUlar is a four-year European Research and Innovation Action. It began work in September 2022 and seeks to understand the dynamics and levers for transforming society into a net-zero emissions circular economy.
The CircEUlar project team is organising a workshop where stakeholders will be able to hear about their latest research and contribute to shaping the next phases of work.
This workshop will address research insights from both a consumer and a business perspective. It will explore what circularity means for mobility, living practices, household appliances, waste management and business behaviour. Stakeholders from across industry, local government and civil society will be able to contribute to the development of a toolkit for businesses to support the uptake of circular practices.
The project aims to develop a stakeholder community, a forum for presenting, discussing and strengthening project outputs with a view to co-creating a shared vision for a European net-zero circular economy.
The agenda will include sessions on:
- Presenting CircEUlar – The role of circularity for a net-zero emission Europe, IIASA
- Consumption – Connecting circularity and demand in mobility and dwelling, LMU Munich
- Household appliances – Aligning consumer and business perspectives: Circularity in household appliances, IIASA
- Business practices – Ensuring business-level circular behaviour translates to a macro-level reduction in resource use and emissions, CMCC
The workshop will take place on 17 September at 13:00-15:30 CEST at the House of Connections in Groningen, The Netherlands. Registration.
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