Cities and Regions Investing in Circular Solutions: From Idea to Practice
Wed, 18/09/2024 – 11:48

DECISO (DEvelopers of CIrcular SOlutions) is a Horizon Europe project running from 2023 to 2025 which will assist European cities and regions with developing financing schemes for circular economy initiatives.

DECISO partners will set up pilot projects in Hamburg (DE), Alentejo (PT), Northwest Germany (DE) and West Macedonia (EL) on waste, water, energy and agrifood. With input from stakeholders along the value chain, DECISO will establish guidelines for financing schemes which other European cities and regions can use for their circular economy initiatives.

This year, DECISO’s annual conference will focus on Cities and regions investing in circular solutions: from idea to practice. It is being co-organised by the DECISO consortium and the Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI) Coordination and Support Office, with the support of the regions of Lazio and Umbria. 

DECISO partners will be joined by representatives of CCRI-CSO and sister-projects, such as Horizon CCRI-PDA funded projects, Regional Innovation Valleys and European Circular Innovation Valleys, to reflect on the financial viability and sustainability of circular economy investment projects. 

The annual conference will share experience from the DECISO pilots and give the floor to international projects developing advisory and technical assistance services for circular economy projects. These projects will discuss challenges and solutions to support circular economy investments projects at local and regional scale.

After an opening session exploring the DECISO project, there will be two main sessions:

  • Circular Cities and Regions Talks: each of the DECISO pilot projects will be joined by experts on the same topic (creating financing schemes; circular agrifood business models; biomass valorisation; water resilience) to compare challenges and solutions when implementing circular economy projects; 
  • Project development assistance for the circular economy: sharing know-how and planning ahead. 

This event will take place on 9 October at 09:00-14:00 CEST in Brussels and online, during the EU Week of Regions and Cities. Registration.


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