Landfills represent a potential source of CRM’s that could be recovered. However, no systematic data collection for specific CRMs in landfilled waste is currently available, only indicative estimates exist provided through MSA study. Any possible recovery prospects would need to be further assessed.


CRMs in EUs landfills

Figure 11: Amounts of CRMs as “Annual addition to stock in landfills in EU” and “Stock in landfill in EU” (JRC elaboration based on 2015 MSA study 2015)

The EU network for landfill mining: EURELCO – European Enhanced Landfill Mining Consortium, supports technological, legal, social, economic, environmental and organisational innovation in the area of landfill mining (i.e. safe exploration, conditioning, excavation and integrated valorisation of landfilled waste).

MSA Study


Source: European Commission, Report on Critical Raw Materials in the Circular Economy, 2018

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