Environmental factor/ ecological footprint

Environmental factors affect the health and well-being of urban residents. Throughout the land use history, forests are deforested to build buildings. This affects the environment and plays an active role in climate change. Because the trees absorb and store the CO2. (Muntendorf, kein Datum) The consequences, the earth climate is warming, and water level of oceans is rising. Furthermore, climate changes are also likely to lead to an increase in extreme weather phenomenon, such as heat waves or flooding. An example is therefore the flooding in Germany in 2021. Due to heavy rainfall, caused by climate change, cities were flooded. However, in Urban areas, with a high population, inhabitants and companies produce a lot of emission. Inhabitants have to heat and light their homes. They drive cars or buses to work, school or sports. As long as fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas are used to make and run all these things, everyday lives produce CO2 emissions that drive climate change. Beside this example, it also plays a role how and with what the inhabitants feed themselves. The consumption of milk and meat contributes to the climate change. In addition, some of the inhabitants are aware of the climate change including alimentary. They often change their feed habits and avoid consuming foods made of animals such as meat- or milk products. So, this fact should also be considered during planning of land use. 

Urban green fulfills a variety of ecological and climatic functions that contribute to sustainable urban development. Regulation of the temperature or reducing air pollution.

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