Technological factors

There are plenty of technologies and innovations that are able to improve the waste management of a city and make it more sustainable. The fields of application for those technologies vary. The most common technologies that are supporting the waste management are high tech waste incineration facilities, which are converting waste to energy with a minimized effect on the environment. Modern filter technology can reduce the emission of toxic and hazardous particles. 

Many companies are working with solutions that are revolutionizing the waste management. Here are a few examples for such technologies (Emily Folk (2020)):

Smart waste bins: Waste bins with integrated sensors and displays are able to enhance the waste management of consumers. The smart bins can help the owner with separation hints and information of the impact of waste which is an educational service that could improve the consumption behavior of citizens. 

Plasma gasification: The fact that the disposal of waste in landfills is environmentally unfriendly underlines the importance of alternatives. The most important alternative is the waste-to-energy technology. Here one of the newest and most promising methods is the plasma gasification, which transforms waste to hydrogen. 

Pneumatic waste collection: This approach is an alternative to the vehicle based and Co2-emmitting procedure to collect the waste of the single households. Instead of using a vehicle to collect the private and organizational waste, a tunnel-system is used to dispose the waste out of households, with the help of vacuum suction. 

AI waste sorting: Artificial intelligence could be the key to abolish serious sorting mistakes that are a barrier for the important recycling processes. AI-technologies like machine vision could be able to sort the waste with a minimum risk of mistakes.

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