Environmental factors / ecological footprint

Manmade extreme weather phenomena will increase in the next years which will strain water supply. As there will be longer and more often occurring droughts in one area, but also more flooding in other areas. Which will make water availability more unpredictable and unreliable. These events won’t singly happen in water stressed region, but also in water abundant regions. 

With water related catastrophe already accounting for 90 % of devasting disasters worldwide, as well costing countries 15 to 40 % of their GDP. This kind of catastrophe can be minimized by a better water management.

But not only big weather disaster effect water supply, as the temperature on planet is overall increasing the quality of water reduces. The higher water temperature results in worser and worser self-purifying ability of freshwater, this results in shortage of drinkable water.

But not only man-made climate change affects the water quality, also humans’ active pollution of water bodies strains water supply. The overall water quality in natural water bodies is declining, which is caused by polluted runoffs and not treated wastewater form industries and cities. The concerning fact is that most countries let 80% up to 90% of their wastewater flows back untreated, which will only get already strained water bodies more and more polluted. Regulations have to be set in place. [3,6,9]

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