Legal & Political Factors

The European Green Deal (COM(2019)640) and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy (COM(2020)789), adopted in 2019 and 2020 respectively, provide a new EU framework for the overall direction of EU transport policy for the years to come, and acknowledge the importance of urban mobility in the context of the green and digital transitions. The revision of the current policy framework, the EU 2013 Urban Mobility Package, is included in the Action Plan annexed to the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy.

The results of the evaluation of the EU 2013 Urban Mobility Package (SWD(2021)0047)published in February 2021 demonstrate that further EU action on urban mobility is needed to upgrade the EU sustainable urban mobility toolkit, in order to respond to the growing challenges (CO2 and air pollutant emissions, congestion, road crashes, resilience of the transport network), and contribute to the increasingly ambitious climate, digital and societal objectives in line with EU commitments.

The preparation of a new EU Urban Mobility Framework is under way: a Roadmap has been published and consultation activities are gathering feedback from individuals, organisations and stakeholders:

The new urban mobility initiative is due to be published by the end of 2021.

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