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  • APPROVE _ Advancing Public Participation and stakeholdeR engagement fOr the improVement of renewable Energy policies (Interreg Europe: Jun 2018 – Nov 2022)

“APPROVE tackles barriers to the development of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) such as: low level of knowledge in the general public, lack of expertise of RES proponents and civil servants dealing with permitting procedures issues of public opposition within approval procedures.

In line with the revised Renewable Energy Directive, APPROVE considers awareness raising, capacity building and stakeholder participation as ways to enable and promote RES.”

  • BIO4ECO _ Sustainable regional bioenergy policies: a game changer (Interreg Europe: Apr 2016 – Sep 2020)

“BIO4ECO aims to improve regional and national policy processes and policy implementation and delivery addressing the transition to a low carbon economy, in relation with renewable energy use, energy efficiency of building, and forest and agricultural biomass.”

  • BIOREGIO _ Regional circular economy models and best available technologies for biological streams (Interreg Europe: Jan 2017 – Dec 2022)

“BIOREGIO will improve knowledge related to circular economy of biological materials and strive to increase the recycling rates of these materials. The expertise of best available technologies, e.g. biorefinery, biogas production, and relevant cooperation models, e.g. ecosystems, networks and administrative cooperation, will be transferred. The project will share expertise and promote the possibilities for closing the loops of biological streams, e.g. develop the materials to be used as fertilizers and biofuels, instead of disposal.”

  • BUILD2LC _ Boosting low carbon innovative building rehabilitation in European regions (Interreg Europe: Apr 2016 – Mar 2021)

The “project will contribute decisively to achieve the EU energy goals, with its overall objective to increase the energy rehabilitation of buildings, and pave the path that facilitates the transit towards the new standard of nZEB buildings.”

  • CLEAN _ Technologies and open innovation for low-carbon regions (Interreg Europe: Jan 2017 – Dec 2021)

The ”project will address the challenge of how best to meet EU energy efficiency targets for buildings in Europe’s regions.”

  • COALESCCE _ Community owned and led energy for security climate change and employment (Interreg Europe: Jan 2017 – Jun 2021)

“To increase the capacity for community based approaches to local renewable energy provision across Europe in order to reduce carbon emissions, increase energy security and tackle fuel poverty whilst driving ‘Green Growth’.”

  • EMPOWER _ More carbon reduction by dynamically monitoring energy efficiency (Interreg Europe: Jan 2017 – Dec 2021)

“EMPOWER works on the exchange of good practices on dynamically monitoring energy efficiency in buildings, with special focus on the use of innovative financial instruments, in order to achieve more carbon reduction and to improve low-carbon economy policies.”

  • ENERSELVES _ Policy instruments for energy self-consumption in buildings (Interreg Europe: Jan 2017 – Dec 2021)

The main goal is to “Promote new policies or improve existing policies to support the integration of renewable energy into buildings for self-consumption financed by the Structural Funds and other EC instruments.”

  • FINERPOL _ Financial Instruments for Energy Renovation Policies (Interreg Europe: Apr 2016 – Sep 2020)

“Financial Instrument schemes with EU participation are created to provide finance on a complementary basis from the Union budget to address policy objectives of the Union. These objectives are often achieved with risky investments that require public participation to de-risk financing.

This EU financial support will be combined with finance coming from the private sector and other public financial sources in order to promote investments in the area of building energy retrofitting.”

  • FIRESPOL _ Financial Instruments for Renewable Energy Investment (Interreg Europe: Jun 2018 – May 2022)

“FIRESPOL seeks to boost regionally-specialized and decentralized Renewable Energy Private Investment, by introducing improvements in the management of OPs which will break the financial barriers currently stopping the investment of the RES sector. The objective is to create, inside the OPs, new supporting schemes such as Financial Instruments (FIs) or new grants schemes which can achieve the same socioeconomic impacts than FIs.”

  • IRENES _ Integrating RENewable energy and Ecosystem Services in environmental and energy policies (Interreg Europe: Aug 2019 – Jul 2023)

“Low-carbon policies and Renewable Energy Sources (RES) development are challenged by the complexity of linkages between ecological, physical, social, and economic factors in relation to trade-offs and synergies between RES exploitation and the delivery of multiple ES. Generalizations and knowledge shortage lead to missing the acknowledgment of potential synergies between RES and ES within the governance and policy frameworks at territorial level.”

  • LOCARBO _ Novel roles of regional and LOcal authorities in supporting energy consumers’ behaviour change towards a low CARBOn economy (Interreg Europe: Apr 2016 – Mar 2021)

The project “It aims to improve policy instruments targeting demand-driven initiatives to increase energy efficiency and the use of renewables in buildings, through innovative ways of supporting energy consumers’ behaviour change.”

  • MOLOC _ Low carbon urban morphologies (Interreg Europe: Jan 2017 – Dec 2021)

“MOLOC aims to develop a new city building approach, associating quality of life and energy efficiency. MOLOC … will explore the brakes that limit the impact of local policies and actions in their ambitions to change current urban morphologies in the light of sustainable urban development.”

  • POTEnT _ Public Organisations Transform Energy Transition (Interreg Europe: Aug 2019 – Jul 2023)

POTEnT “innovatively addresses a key challenge for European cities and regions: how to achieve more carbon reduction by harnessing the potential of direct and local action by citizens and communities. The need is both great and urgent. The EU is committed by international treaty to achieve ambitious carbon reduction targets.”

  • REBUS _ Renovation for Energy efficient BUildingS (Interreg Europe: Apr 2016 – Mar 2021)

“The overall objective of the REBUS project is to improve the capacity of public authorities in European regions, to undertake efficient renovation works of their public building stock, thus saving energy and public resources.”

  • RESINDUSTRY _ Policies for Renewable Energy Sources in industry (Interreg Europe: Aug 2019 – Jul 2023)

“RESINDUSTRY aims to increase the energy independency of the EU industry sector, by decreasing its energy intensity through a higher integration of RES. The long-term objective is to increase the industry competitiveness by decreasing its energy bill, rising their energy independency, thus uncoupling their energy costs from geopolitical externalities.”

  • RESOR _ Supporting energy efficiency and renewable energy in European islands and remote regions (Interreg Europe: Jun 2018 – Nov 2022)

“The objective of the project is to support energy efficiency and renewable energy use in businesses of the secondary and tertiary sector of the partner regions by improving current regional policies.”

  • SET-UP _ Smart Energy Transition to Upgrade regional Performance (Interreg Europe: Apr 2016 – Mar 2021)

“The overall goal of the SET-UP project is to improve energy performance of the 6 partner regions thanks to enhanced policies on smart grids. On a medium to long term, better energy demand management achieved thanks to SET-UP will lead to reduced energy consumption and greater energy security, with connected socio-environmental and economic benefits.”

  • SHREC _ SHifting towards Renewable Energy for Transition to Low Carbon Energy (Interreg Europe: Aug 2019 – Jul 2023)

“The SHREC project addresses the challenge of transition to a low carbon economy, in relation with renewable energy use of business and households facilitating them to invest in low-carbon, renewable energy measures reducing CO2 producing activities and shifting to activities with low CO2 footprint. Urgent need for a transition to a cleaner, more sustainable and less carbon intensive energy future is evident.

  • SUPPORT _ Support Local Governments in Low Carbon Strategies (Interreg Europe: Jan 2017 – Jun 2021)

“Lack of funding, obstacles in making financial strategies, scarce integration of energy policies, poor involvement of private sector: these are why, nevertheless EU support for local authorities, since the adoption of the Climate and Energy Package in the framework of the Covenant of Mayors, local plans in Energy Efficiency didn’t produce effective results, particularly in the administrations’ ownbuilding stock.”

  • VIOLET _ preserVe tradItiOnal buiLdings through Energy reduction (Interreg Europe: Jan 2017 – Dec 2021)

VIOLET “addresses the common challenge among EU regions, home to a building stock of important traditional buildings. These buildings are an asset not only to residents, but also to various industries that sustain European economies, such as cultural tourism and ICT.

VIOLET faces the challenge to create a building culture that is sympathetic to modern requirements of reinstatement and conservation for improved energy usage and reduced carbon emissions, without endangering architectural heritage. Without this forward-looking policy change, traditional buildings that are now a valuable asset will become a burden in the near future.”

  • ZEROCO2 _ Promotion of near zero CO2 emission buildings due to energy use (Interreg Europe: Apr 2016 – Mar 2020; Oct 2021 – Sep 2022)

“ZEROCO2 will define Near Zero CO2 Emission Buildings due to energy use (NZCO2EB). The project will present the various benefits, which result from this type of building. It will demonstrate the combination of different technologies and energy efficiency sources. These can be used in order to achieve the set target to design state of the art policies, which will aim at promoting NZCO2EB at the local, regional and national level. ZEROCO2 will also present various financial methodologies in order to promote these types of buildings.”


  • URB-EN PACT _ Together towards net zero energy cities (URBACT: 2019 – ongoing)

“The 8 partner cities and organisations involved in the Urban Energy Pact project embrace the ambitious goal of becoming net zero energy (NZE) territories no later than 2050. Urb-En Pact aims to define local action plans for the implementation of a local and sustainable energy balance by producing and delivering renewable and regulated sources of energy. Urb-En Pact will unite all of the stakeholders of this circular economy, especially the consumers included in this energy loop, in and around the metropolitan area.”

  • Vilawatt _ Innovative local public-private-citizen partnership for energy governance (URBACT: 2021 – ongoing)

“The VILAWATT UIA – URBACT Transfer Mechanism boosts the energy transition process by setting up a public-private-citizen partnership, where citizens and main social actors play a key role. The priority is to increase citizen commitment and sense of belonging to promote a sustainable energy transition process.”


  • COMPILE _ Integrating community power in energy islands (Nov 2018 – Oct 2022)

“The COMPILE project’s goal is to foster the development of local energy systems and boost the use of local energy sources through innovative storage solutions supported by new organisational measures and business models. COMPILE project aims to activate and use local energy systems in order to support the fast growth of energy production from renewable energy sources (RES) in constrained networks, and foster the transition from centralised system with passive users into a flexible network of active users forming energy communities. This transformation aims to enhance RES integration and increase the security of supply, without the need to reinforce traditional networks.”

  • Intensys4EU _ INTegrated ENergy SYStem, a pathway for EUrope (Oct 2016 – Sept 2020)

“The overarching goals of the INTENSYS4EU project are two-fold:

  • To support the further integration of innovative solutions in view of hosting 45% of variable renewables by 2030 while operating the energy system in a safe, stable and secure way;
    • To extend the existing Research and Innovation roadmaps through permanent and direct interactions with the impacted energy system stakeholders and all the Member States in view of validating the portfolio of innovative solutions via appropriate funding mechanisms.”
  • PVP4Grid _ PV-Prosumers4Grid (Oct 2017 – Mar 2020)

“The aim of the PV-Prosumers4Grid project is to develop and implement innovative self-consumption and aggregation concepts and business models for PV prosumers, i.e. consumers who also produce energy. It will support the integration of sustainable and competitive PV electricity in the electricity system.”

  • SCORES _ Self Consumption Of Renewable Energy by hybrid Storage systems (Nov 2017 – Apr 2022)

“SCORES combines and optimizes the multi-energy generation, storage and consumption of local renewable energy (electricity and heat) and grid supply, bringing new sources of flexibility to the grid, and enabling reliable operation with a positive business case in Europe’s building stock.”

  • STORY _ Added value of STORage in distribution sYstems (May 2015 – Oct 2020)

“The main objective of STORY is to show the added value storage can bring for a flexible, secure and sustainable energy system. This will be achieved by showing the inter-relations between technologies and stakeholders as well as the potential and impact of policy and regulation.”

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