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EU and other websites

“Eltis facilitates the exchange of information, knowledge and experience in the field of sustainable urban mobility in Europe.”

“CIVITAS is one of the flagship programmes helping the European Commission achieve its ambitious mobility and transport goals, and in turn those in the European Green Deal.

It does this by acting as a network of cities, for cities, dedicated to sustainable urban mobility. Through peer exchange, networking and training, CIVITAS fosters political commitment and boosts collective expertise, equipping cities to put mobility at the centre of decarbonisation.”

“CIVITAS supports cities to make smart and sustainable urban mobility a reality for all. In doing so, it is ensuring that mobility is a driving force behind the creation of climate-neutral and resilient cities.”

  • ERTRAC _ European Road Transport Research Advisory Council

“ERTRAC is the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council. It is the European technology platform which brings together road transport stakeholders to develop a common vision for road transport research in Europe.”

Policy briefs

Projects / networks

Interreg Europe

  • 2050 CliMobCity _ 2050 Climate-friendly Mobility in Cities (Interreg Europe: Aug 2019 – Jul 2023)

“2050 CliMobCity is about climate mitigation in the field of urban mobility. Many cities have formulated very to modestly ambitious climate aims for the very long term (e.g. 2050) or for a shorter period (e.g. 2030). Whatever aim, many cities are uncertain about if and how they can achieve these goals. The project addresses measure (package)s to sufficiently improve the CO2-performance of urban mobility, and the governance required in this regard. The central question is: How must mobility change to achieve climate-friendly mobility? And because the urbanism also influences the sustainability of mobility, the question includes: How must the urban structure change to achieve climate-friendly mobility?”

  • CISMOB _ Cooperative information platform for low carbon and sustainable mobility (Interreg Europe: Apr 2016 – Mar 2020)

“CISMOB main vision was to promote innovative ways to reduce carbon footprintand increase the sustainability of urban areas by improving the efficiency in the use of urban transport infrastructure through ICT.”

  • CYCLEWALK _ Sharing best practices and experience on data collecting and processing and involvement of users in order to improve planning of cycling and walking as modes of transport in urban and functional urban areas (Interreg Europe: Jan 2017 – Dec 2021)
  • DEMO-EC _ DEvelopment of sustainable MObility management in European Cities (Interreg Europe: Jan 2017 – Dec 2021)

“The main goal of the project DEMO-EC is to integrate mobility management in city development/planning by analyzing, exchange and dissemination of good practice to improve the effectiveness of policies in the field of low-carbon in transport.”

  • e-MOPOLI _ Electro MObility as driver to support POLicy Instruments for sustainable mobility (Interreg Europe: Jun 2018 – Nov 2022)

“e-MOPOLI aims to contribute to an efficient diffusion of e-mobility and alternative fuels mobility … .Partners commit to concentrate on several main working areas: charging and tolling policies in favour of e-vehicles; development of charging infrastructure powered by alternative sources; integration of charging infrastructure and charging hubs in spatial planning, deployment and purchase of alternative fuel vehicles in public transport; promotion of e-mobility in niche market fleets.”

  • E-MOB _ Integrated actions towards enhanced e-mobility in European regions(Interreg Europe: Aug 2019 – Jul 2023)

“E-MOB stands for Integrated actions towards enhanced e-mobility in European Regions and aims at enhancing e-mobility solutions in regional passenger transport systems through coordinated policy learning and planning.”

  • EMOBICITY _ Increase of energy efficiency by Electric MOBIlity in the CITY (Interreg Europe: Aug 2019 – Jul 2023)

“EMOBICITY seeks to improve low-carbon economy policies, so as to facilitate the take up of electric mobility at a national and regional level.”

  • e-smartec _ enhanced sustainable mobility with marketing techniques (Interreg Europe: Aug 2019 – Jan 2023)

“The e-smartec project is designed to strengthen the urban dimension of regional and local mobility policymaking, contributing to the implementation of the EU Transport White PaperUrban Agenda and EU 2020 with a view to transit to a low carbon economy.”

  • EV Energy _ Electric Vehicles for City Renewable Energy Supply: (Interreg Europe: Jan 2017 – Jun 2023)

“The EV Energy project aims to analyse, initiate and implement policies favouring sustainable energy and electric mobility systems in urban areas. It works with experienced cities and regions, transferring the most appropriate policies and good practices. 

The project focuses on three thematic areas: Renewable energies, Electric mobility, Infrastructures (Smart grids, ICT, etc.)”

  • InnovaSUMP _ Innovations in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans for low-carbon urban transport (Interreg Europe: Jan 2017 – Jun 2021)

“InnovaSUMP project aims at introducing:

New innovations, enhancements and advances in preparation, elaboration, consultation, adoption, implementation, evaluation and monitoring of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), based on the EU established methodology (Clean transport, Urban transport; Eltis), for sustainable low-carbon urban transport and mobility policies and measures promotion, funding, implementation and enhancement.”

  • LAST MILE _ Sustainable mobility for the last mile in tourism regions (Interreg Europe: Apr 2016 – Sep 2020)

“When advertising door-to-door accessibility between origin (usually urban areas) and destination (often remote areas), the tourists often facing missing links on the last stretch of the journey, i.e. from the hubs/regional railway station to the final destination.”

  • MATCH-UP _ The role of modal interchange to foster a low-carbon urban mobility(Interreg Europe: Jun 2018 – Nov 2022)

“The overall objective is to embed multimodal mobility strategies into the Project Partners’ policy instruments (…) by defining design requirements concerning interchange nodes and transport services for managing and coordinating the interchange, and by developing tools and methods to assess different policies and design scenarios and to define the priority level of multimodal actions.”

  • OptiTrans _ Optimisation of Public Transport Policies for Green Mobility (Interreg Europe: Jan 2017 – Dec 2021)

“Accross Europe transport accounts for about 20 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions. Nearly half of them are related to passenger transport. To reduce the carbon footprint of mobility, public transport especially in rural and suburban areashas to be strengthened and bottlenecks in public transport networks have to be reduced.

Currently a number of remarkable new trends and developments characterize the transport marked. For the public transport system, this creates unique opportunities for a change in the choice of transport and to strengthen its marked position.”

  • PE4Trans _ Public Engagement for Sustainable Public Transport (Interreg Europe: Jun 2018 – May 2023)

“PE4Trans addresses the issue of potential for improvement of public transport policies by including citizens to the process of design and implementation of sustainable transport strategies and plans with the view to change peoples’ mobility habits and routines incorporating findings of behavioural sciences. Regions and cities across Europe invest significant funds in public transport infrastructures, introduce incentives and regulations as well as information campaigns with the view to reduce carbon footprint by stimulating peoples more pro-environmental behaviours.”

  • PriMaaS _ Prioritizing low carbon mobility services for improving accessibility of citizens (Interreg Europe: Aug 2019 – Jul 2023)

“The main vision of PriMaaS is to promote the integration of traditional collective transport modes with personal and innovative ones by creating equitable mobility services truly focused on citizens’ needs.”

  • PROMETEUS _ PROMotion of E-mobiliTy in EU regionS (Interreg Europe: Jan 2017 – Jun 2021)

“Electromobility has been identified as a priority within EU policies being a sustainable, low-carbon alternative for transport. However, poor availability of dedicated infrastructures and low user awareness are considered as major barriers to be addressed.” PROMETEUS aimed at overcoming such barriers and promoting e-mobility in the partner regions.

  • REFORM _ Integrated REgional Action Plan For Innovative, Sustainable and LOw CaRbon Mobility (Interreg Europe: Jan 2017 – Dec 2020)

REFORM supports the implementation and deployment of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) as an instrument for shifting mobility towards low-carbon patterns.

  • REGIO-MOB _ Interregional Learning towards Sustainable Mobility in Europe: the REGIO-MOB Experience (Interreg Europe: Apr 2016 – Mar 2020)

“European regions are facing an increasing mobility demand while coping with higher congestion levels. Undoubtedly, there is a strong need to increase the use of sustainable transport modes meaning, above all, promoting intermodality, technical innovation and the use of cleaner and more efficient systems. Hence, European regions need to undertake the transition towards low-carbon and resource efficient transport systems in order to increase mobility, remove major barriers and fuel growth and employment.”

  • RESOLVE _ sustainable mobility and the transition to a low-carbon retailing economy (Interreg Europe: Apr 2016 – Mar 2021)

“The overall objective is to reduce carbon emissions created by retail related traffic in town and city centres while also supporting jobs and growth in the local retail economy. We will improve regional policies through innovative new projects and by improving governance so that the different stakeholders can agree common solutions.”

  • SchoolChance_ SCHOOL mobility CHAllenge in regioNal poliCiEs (Interreg Europe: Jan 2017 – Dec 2021)

“SCHOOL CHANCE aims to explicitly incorporate children’ independent mobility into regional policies. Not only safe routes to schools, bike/walk to school campaigns and other unstructured mobility management initiatives: within SCHOOL CHANCE, partners will develop a comprehensive strategy for making sustainable mobility at school an essential element of their mobility policy and increasing sustainable mobility by changing the behavior of schoolchildren-and the next generation’s mindset towards sustainability.”

  • TRAM _ Towards new Regional Action plans for sustainable urban Mobility(Interreg Europe: Apr 2016 – Mar 2021)

“TRAM project is designed to strengthen the urban dimension of regional and local policymaking, contributing to the implementation of EU Transport White Paper, Urban Agenda and the EU 2020 strategy and facilitating the shift to low carbon economy. In this sense, TRAM project contributes to the development of a competitive, resource-efficient and low-carbon oriented European transport system by improving the efficacy of regional and local policies on urban mobility of EU 5 partners which will benefit from cooperation by the exchange of experience and the identification of measures to be included in their urban mobility policies.”


The project Partners “believe that a metropolitan region of tomorrow should provide its residents with a safe, functional and resilient environment. Low-carbon transportation and mobility are vital components of such smart urban areas.

However, transportation in metropolitan regions today generates congestion and vast greenhouse gas emissions. This imposes enormous challenges upon local and regional authorities in providing healthy living conditions for inhabitants and a supportive environment for businesses.”

Other Interreg programmes

“In line with the EU’s climate neutrality target, our Programme supported several initiatives tackling the diverse challenges faced by the Baltic Sea region’s transport sector. We united our efforts to make our region more accessible, better connected and less polluted, ultimately improving the overall mobility experience in the area while protecting the environment. Read how Interreg Go LNG, BSR electric and Sohjoa Baltic have contributed to green mobility and innovation in transport sectors in the region.”

“The transport priority provides answers to the core-periphery dichotomy in the CENTRAL EUROPE area. Thanks to the projects funded under this priority, the gap between peripheral and less accessible regions and the area’s well-connected centres will be reduced. The connections of regions and cities to the European transport networks will improve and multi-modal environmentally friendly passenger and freight transport will be strengthened.”

  • Urban Transports Community (Interreg MED Programme initiative launched in November 2016 and renewed in October 2019 until June 2022)

“The Community is promoting sustainable urban mobility planning in the Euro-Mediterranean region as an effective tool to reduce carbon emissions and improve the quality of life of the population and the environment.”


The Urban Transports Community has published a selection of tools and solutions with the highest replicability potential in the MedUrbanTools platform (managed by MedCities).

These tools have been designed, implemented and tested by our community of territorial cooperation projects, funded in the framework of the Interreg MED Programme, gathering almost 200 partner organisations (public authorities, associations, mobility planners, universities and international organisations, amongst others) active in 12 European Countries. The Community has been addressing urban mobility under very different angles.

However, the most replicable and strategic tools we have identified falls under the following areas of intervention: data for smart traffic management; soft mobility; shared mobility; mobility in tourist destinations; and new planning approaches.”


  • citymobilnet _ Co-productive development of sustainable urban mobility plans(URBACT: 2016 – 2018)

“Cities that suffer from congestion, emission loads, social exclusion and, lastly decrease of the quality of life, have gathered in this Action Planning network. The road they have taken to tackle these challenges was the local adoption of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP), a concept for mobility planning that revolutionises traditional planning structures by placing people’s needs, integrated thinking and sustainability at the centre of future developments. By sharing and addressing challenges of their mobility reality, the cities created a common vision towards identifying suitable measures and actions for the coming years and improving the competencies of all involved stakeholders.”

“ENTER.HUB promotes the role of railway hubs/multimodal interfaces of regional relevance in medium cities as engines for integrated urban development and economic, social and cultural regeneration.”

  • evue I & II_ (URBACT: 2009 – 2015)

“Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe (EVUE) focuses on the development of integrated, sustainable strategies and dynamic leadership techniques for cities to promote the use of electric vehicles.”

  • Freight TAILS _ Tailored approaches for innovative logistic solutions (URBACT: 2016 – 2018)

“Devoted to discovering Tailored and Innovative Logistic Solutions (TAILS) for the successful management of freight, this Action Planning network aimed on rethinking how freight can shape almost every aspect of our urban lives. The air we breathe, the noise we hear, the traffic we experience, the productiveness of our cities’ businesses, the quality of our surroundings and the liveability of our neighbourhoods. Everything can relate to a single question: how can we make freight transport more effective in cities?”

  • RiConnect _ Rethinking infrastructure (URBACT: 2019 – ongoing)

“RiConnect is an Action Planning Network of 8 metropolises which aim is to rethink, transform and integrate mobility infrastructures in order to reconnect people, neighbourhoods, cities and natural spaces. We will develop planning strategies, processes, instruments and partnerships to foster public transport and active mobility, reduce externalities and social segregation and unlock opportunities for urban regeneration. Our long-term vision is a more sustainable, equitable and attractive metropolis for all.”

  • Space4people _ mobility solutions for attractive public space (URBACT: 2019 – ongoing)

“Space4People deals with public space use in our cities working with its main use function: transport. Our focus is on walkability, quality of stay, mix of functions and interchanges and parking management to achieve attractive public space for diverse user groups and a sustainable urban mobility scheme supporting such public spaces. Space4People takes a user-centric approach assessing qualities and deficiencies, developing future visions and testing possible solutions to public space in our cities.”

  • Thriving Streets _ Designing mobility for attractive cities (URBACT: 2019 – ongoing)

“Mobility is at the crossroads of various urban policy: Thriving Streets is connecting mobility with economic prosperity, accessibility, inclusion, participation and health to encourage a change towards more resilient and attractive cities. As an Action Planning Network, this project aims to improve sustainable local policies through integrated action planning and an organised process of exchange and learning among cities across Europe. It is a network of ten cities working together to improve sustainable mobility in urban areas from an economic and social perspective.”


  • CIVITAS projects _ Advancing knowledge and practice for sustainable urban mobility

“CIVITAS supports cities to make smart and sustainable urban mobility a reality for all. In doing so, it is ensuring that mobility is a driving force behind the creation of climate-neutral and resilient cities.”

Current CIVITAS projects are funded under the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme _ ongoing and completed projects can be accessed here.

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