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Guides, books

“Green infrastructure is widely recognised as a valuable resource in our towns and cities and it is therefore crucial to understand, create, protect and manage this resource. This Handbook sets the context for green infrastructure as a means to make urban environments more resilient, sustainable, liveable and equitable. It then provides a comprehensive and authoritative account for those seeking to achieve sustainable green infrastructure in urban environments of how to plan, design and implement green infrastructure at different spatial scales.”

Policy briefs

Projects / networks

Interreg Europe

  • Blue Green City _ Blue and Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Cities (Interreg Europe: Aug 2019 – Jan 2023)

“BLUE GREEN CITY seeks to improve policies that promote Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI) as an integral part of a local or regional natural heritage preservation strategy”

  • PERFECT _ Planning for Environment and Resource eFficiency in European Cities and Towns (Interreg Europe: Jan 2017 – Dec 2021)

The project “integrates the many benefits of green infrastructure into the planning and investment for the future of urban and rural areas. It seeks to influence the policy-making process by raising awareness of the social, environmental and economic potential of green infrastructure.”

Other Interreg programmes

  • BEGIN – Blue Green Infrastructures through Social Innovation (Interreg North Sea Region: 2017 – 2020)

“The overall objective of BEGIN is to demonstrate at target sites how cities can improve climate resilience with Blue Green Infrastructure involving stakeholders in a value-based decision- making process to overcome its current implementation barriers.”

“Green infrastructure solutions support cities in reaching climate change adaptation and mitigation goals. B.Green project develops a model for digital and participatory urban planning that will promote the pre-planning of multifunctional green infrastructure solutions in the Baltic Sea region.”

  • LUIGI _ Linking Urban and Inner-Alpine Green Infrastructure – Multifunctional Ecosystem Services for more liveable territories (Interreg Alpine Space: Oct 2019 – Jun 2022)
  • LOS_DAMA! _ Green infrastructure for better living (Interreg Alpine Space: 2016 – 2019)
  • MaGICLandscapes _ Managing Green Infrastructure in Central European Landscapes (Interreg Central Europe: Jul 2017 – Jun 2020)

The “cooperation and the application of the tools developed in the project led to the production of nine Green Infrastructure Strategies and associated action plans in the nine case study areas. The flexibility of the tools which you can find here on this website are transferable outside of the project’s study areas, indeed they can be applied anywhere should you wish to develop your own green infrastructure strategy or perform an analysis of the green infrastructure resource in which you are interested. The wide variety of themes and priorities identified in the nine strategies further reinforces the transferability and flexibility of the tools.”


  • Health&Greenspace _ Greener cities, healthier communities (URBACT: 2019 – ongoing)

“How can we improve urban greenspaces in order to promote mental and phsyical health for our communities? Health&Greenspace Action Planning Network links green infrastructure design and management to urban health policies and practices. The project focuses on physical and mental health benefits of urban greenspaces, as well as their role in improving social health and air quality and reducing heat stress in cities. Actions targeted by the network are linked to both physical changes to the urban environment and the promotion of social activities such as community, cultural, education and physical activity programs in green areas.”


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