
Without wanting to put numbers on it, the building industry is responsible for considerable environmental impacts due to its consumption of resources and energy, and the production of wastes. So – it is definitely time for the building sector to embrace the circular economy. This is already on the agenda.

In an article to be published in Dec 2021 the authors have made a comprehensive, quantitative analysis of the literature of the Circular Economy in buildings (around 7000 documents within the time span 2005 to 2020). They show that

  • the 5 keyword-research clusters are (i) energy and energy efficiency in buildings; (ii) recycling, waste management and alternative construction materials; (iii) sustainable development; (iv) circular economy in urban regions; and (v) green buildings and green supply chain within the construction industry;
  • during the past 5 years researchers have paid close attention to “sustainability”, “energy efficiency”, “life cycle assessment”, “renewable energy”, and “recycling”;
  • the current research hotspots are (i) the development and use of alternative construction materials; (ii) the development of circular business models; (iii) smart cities, Industry 4.0 and their relations with Circular Economy.

To summarize: The European Circular Cities Declaration defines in its the vision for a Circular City as follows: “Infrastructure and buildings are designed to be multifunctional, adaptable and easy to maintain, repair and repurpose with long lifetimes and high value recovery.” (support document)

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