Enable circularity

The list of circularity enablers in urban environments is quite long. From the analysis of literature (Main source: U4SSC: A guide to circular cities) at least the following can be identified:

  • Awareness building of circular city initiatives and actions
  • Training and circularity skills enhancement
  • Measures to promote trust in circular activities
  • Circularity-related strategic planning and policy making
  • Utilizing procurement as a lever for circularity
  • Financial incentives for boosting circularity
  • Public Private Partnerships for circularity
  • R&D programmes for circularity
  • Circularity regulations
  • National laws and directives
  • Certifications for circularity
  • Engaging and ensuring participation of stakeholders
  • Circularity related city innovation ecosystem
  • Integrated urban services

In the following we focus on a limited number

  • Utilize circular procurement
  • Create incentives to attract and promote circular businesses
  • Raise awareness and coach / train

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