Indicators for the circular economy

Indicator needs

„Through the implementation of a CE approach, cities have experienced the need of indicators for monitoring and to report on their efforts and achievements. The Partnership on CE has identified the lack of such indicators as a bottleneck for cities in implementing a...

Challenges – a selection

How to monitor progress on the CE and macro-level when the baseline is so limited.There is a substantial time lag – when to expect effects and communicate them.Measuring circularity at a city level requires both a city wide CE metrics and a municipality narrative...

Objectives of CE indicators

„In order to develop and implement a CE strategy in urban environments it is crucial to find a framework of indicators to monitor the progress and performance and, when necessary, adapt the ongoing processes. Based on the literature review, the following objectives of...

Existing indicator frameworks

The publication from the Urban Agenda partnership also offers an overview of existing frameworks for monitoring the circular transformation. Some of the most prominent ones are listed in the table below. PublisherReport / projectFocus / special featureECIn-depth...

Suggested indicators

After analyses of existing monitoring frameworks, stakeholders from the Urban Agenda Partnership assessed the long list of indicators from the existing models according to the following criteria: „Core/additional indicator (2 = core; 1 = additional, 0 = not...

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