Public spaces

A public space is where people can perform a series of functions that are shared between all. Also, “a public space is an urban place that is generally open and accessible to people in a city.” (Geray, 2020)

Public spaces are considered key elements of regenerative planning strategies. Some spaces are open areas, green areas, squares, streets, gardens within others. Important functions that must be taken into consideration are the social, economic and cultural. The way in which public spaces are characterized tend to show or determine their value as soul of the city, for it to be preserved and appreciated.

Urban planning makes possible that public spaces generate value-creation processes. This planning may be directed to the implementation of regenerative metropolitan cities models, mainly in complex and vulnerable cities. The model shows a sustainable city as a regenerative new form of capital. The main characteristic of the model is the circular organization processes.

“The regenerative model regenerates not only resources, energy, water, natural ecosystems on which the human life depends, but also the various relationships that allow the systems to work, and on which wellbeing of populations depends.” (Fusco Girard & Nocca, 2019)

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