Introduction EU Ecosystem services and Green Infrastructure: website EU Further links to key references are given, e.g.: The EU Strategy on Green Infrastructure: website EUGreen infrastructure in policy: website EU Further links to information are given, e.g.:...
Urban green infrastructure
- Green infrastructure
Green infrastructure “ ‘is a strategically planned network of natural and semi-natural areas with other environmental features designed and managed to deliver a wide range of ecosystem services. It incorporates green spaces (or blue if aquatic ecosystems are concerned) and other physical features in terrestrial (including coastal) and marine areas. On land, GI is present in rural and urban settings.’ Linked together, these strategically planned networks of green elements are able to provide multiple benefits in the form of supporting a green economy, improving quality of life, protecting biodiversity and enhancing the ability of ecosystems to deliver services such as disaster risk reduction, water purification, air quality, space for recreation and climate change mitigation and adaption.”
GI_climate_adaptation.pdf (
- Green urban infrastructure
“The concept of ‘urban green infrastructure’ captures an appreciation of urban green as essential infrastructure that is as important to a good quality of urban life as technical or social infrastructures. The approach emphasises the multitude of services and functions performed by urban green, all of which impact on the quality of life and on sustainability. It provides inspiration for the strategic development of existing urban green spaces and open spaces into a site network that provides a multitude of social, aesthetic and ecological benefits. Integrated planning and cooperation allow for the development of additional sites and their incorporation into the network and for multifunctional solutions. This publication sets out key steps to be followed in the development of green infrastructure and presents practical examples showcasing how urban areas can develop their green infrastructure.”URBAN GREEN INFRASTRUCTUREA foundation of attractive and sustainable cities (, p 30
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