
Water is an important but scares resources, which has to be shared and spend carefully. But with a growing population water management becomes difficult to control. Cities have to put a bigger focus on sustainability of water.

But water is more than just a resource which only can be consumed, but also as growing ecological problem. As water supplies get out of balance, extreme weather phenomena occur, which let some parts of the world experience extreme droughts and others high floods.  These disasters can be prevented, by developing a better water management, water treatment and the general change of water usage.

This wasteful water usage becomes apparent in bigger global cities. These big cities lack the circular water system and use their water only one way. This means water gets supplied from somewhere, mostly natural water sources like rivers and lakes. The supplied water gets used by industrial sector and the public, after the consumption the water gets drained with all its waste and chemical in it.

A rethink must take place, as most of humankind see water as an endless and cheap resources, which can be spent with no remorse. This change of mind must take place quick, as humankind has to think in a more global scale, on how to treat water and figure out a more resourceful ways to use water.

One of these ways is a circular city with a circular flow of water. Which means water is used in a circular motion and gets reused again and again, to eliminate all wastewater. The WICER Framework illustrates nicely how a circular water usage would look like. Where supplied water will be recovered and later used in agriculture and industry. With the goal to later be restored and put back in natural bodies of water or reused in the community. [3,6,9]

WICER Framework; [9]

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