Marketplaces & Matchmaking

On this page you will find your way to some of the most established transnational CE digital Marketplaces and Matchmaking platforms active in central Europe, that are equipped to support your circular economy transition.

Circular economy is not a new concept anymore.

Many companies from private to public are already actively exploring ways of designing out their waste, maintaining the value of their resources and assets as high as possible by keeping them in the value loop, and finding solutions to transform their operations towards greater sustainability for the benefit of their business, the planet and the people.

CE Marketplace platforms

The CE Marketplace platforms can support your organisation in trading waste resources and secondary raw materials at favourable conditions and through a verified network of users.

CE Matchmaking platforms

The CE Matchmaking platforms provide a more in-depth services for maximising high-value reuse options for your materials or (waste) products and can link you directly with suitable matching partners within their networks.

Sharing platforms

Sharing platforms, are digital tools that help business, organisations and individuals share assets such as products, equipment, services, personnel, and facilities.

Custom designed platforms

On the rise are also custom designed platforms that are addressing specific needs of an organisation to facilitate internal resource exchange and value capture optimisation.

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